
Tuesday, July 12, 2011

Pathological Alcohol intoxication (mania a potu)

This is a type of abnormal state associated with alcoholism. Pathological alcohol intoxication is an extraordinary severe response to alcohol, especially to small amounts marked by apparently senseless violent behavior, usually followed by exhaustion, sleep and amnesia for the episode.

Delirium Tremens (bière)

However it is a rare phenomenon. In addition it is important to note that it is used by criminals to form a legal defense against their criminal activities. e.g. I killed that person because I took quarter of glass beer and I am having pathological intoxication. But most experts can differentiate real pathological intoxication from a fake one.

But some doctors think that there is no entity called pathological intoxication and there is no evidence based data to back it up.

In addition, this condition is not associated with bipolar mania (as the name suggests). You can read my blog post on relationship between alcohol and bipolar mania here

How Pathological intoxication differs from usual intoxication?

In usual alcohol intoxication person usually takes significant amount of alcohol. In addition he/she has physical features of alcohol intoxication such as slow reaction time and impaired coordination. Here behavior can become violent, but sometimes not.

In pathological state, behavior is always violent. After the violent episode the person complain lack of memory of the behavior. Usually in pathological intoxication behavior is more organized than the common alcohol intoxication. In addition in pathological intoxication, the person is not addicted to the alcohol. He/she usually takes alcohol occasionally and gets a severe reaction to it, then stops taking alcohol for a while.

How to differentiate pathological intoxication from delirium tremens

It should be distinguished from delirium tremens which is associated with alcohol withdrawal. Delirium tremens is a state that follows after a reduction in amount of alcohol taken by an alcohol dependent person. Person who abuses alcohol for some time may take less than the usual amount of alcohol and then he/she may go into develop delirium tremens. 

Here person sees abnormal things and hears voices/sounds that are not real. In addition in delirium the person can becomes violent, but usually due to the wrong interpretation of surroundings and people. Organized criminal activity is extremely rare in delirium tremens and if not treated it can become life threatening. However pathological intoxication is never a life threatening condition.

Relationship to the Movie : Final analysis

The movie "Final Analysis" directed by Phil Joanou and acted by Richard gere, Kim bassinger and Uma Thurman depicts pathological alcohol intoxication. In fact, it is quite accurate in terms of scientific perspective. Here you can see a trailer of this 1992 movie. 


Pathological intoxication is a rare abnormally violent response to minute amounts of alcohol. Pathological intoxication per se is not life threatening. It can be differentiated from the common alcohol intoxication. In addition it can used in legal defense.   

Further reading on alcohol related issues

A case history of Pathological alcohol intoxication - PsycNET - American psychological association

Pathological intoxication, Is there such an entity (Pubmed abstract)

Librium for alcohol withdrawal

Uses and side effects of Nodict tablets : A medication prescribed for alcohol relapse prevention.


Symptoms of mind by Andrew Sims


  1. Here is an Answer to one of the reader's question
    Question is a personal one requesting more information regarding this condition.

    People with this condition usually do not consume alcohol a lot. They tend to drink small amount. usually by accident and get an extremely severe reaction. This reaction is also quite different than normal alcohol reaction. It is characterized by violent or criminal behaviour, but in a normal reaction the person usually get disorganized type of behaviour. That's why it is improtant in crimnal court cases.

    Usually it has no cure, because it is a chemical reaction related to the individual's genetic makeup. Only cure is prevention, so stopping alcohol is highly advisable

  2. Im currently watching Final Analysis starring Richard Here,Kim Basinger, and Ima Thurman. Kim. Basinger has this condition. So far its a good movie.

  3. I also watched this movie and it depicts kim basinger using pathological intoxication to form a legal defence.
