
Saturday, February 21, 2015

Uses and side effects of Restyl Tablets

Restyl  is a brand of Alprazolam manufactured in India. It is used for anxiety disorders and to induce sleep. At smaller doses it reduces anxiety and cause less drowsiness. However, it can cause fatigue and dizziness. In addition, this medication can be habit forming on long term use.

Uses of Restyl

 Restyl is mainly used to control anxiety. It can be useful medication in anxiety disorders such as Panic disorder, Social phobia and phobias. In addition, this medication has a seizure control effect. But there are other medications that are more effective for this purpose. Some use this medication to help sleeping, But medications like Zolfresh or Nitrest would serve purpose better. 

However, long term use of this medication for anxiety can become troublesome as you will need higher doses to control same anxiety. In addition, sudden discontinuation of this medication after long term use (more than three months) can cause severe reaction that may need medical attention.

Restyl 0.5mg Tablets

Usual dose of Restyl

This medication is used in the doses of 0.25mg to 1mg to control anxiety. Higher doses in the range of more than 2mg can cause significant drowsiness.

Uses and side effects of Lonazep (Brand of Clonazepam)

Uses and side effects of Manorest (Another brand of Alprazolam)

Common side effects of this medication

As mentioned earlier this medication can cause drowsiness and sedation. These side effects can go into the next day morning if you have taken this medication for sleep. It can cause problems in operating machinery and driving.

 In addition, to above side effects using this medication frequently can cause sleep problems as Restyl is known to disrupt sleep architecture. Even though you are able to sleep with this medication, it does not produce natural sleep. So you may not be feeling refreshed after the sleep.

In addition, using this medication frequently can cause depression and sometime it can cause suicidal tendencies.

Some people may lose inhibitions after using this medication and may become aggressive or show increased risk taking behavior.

In addition to above problems this medication can cause fatigue, memory loss and confusion.

List of commons side effects of Restyl

1.       Nausea
2.       Drowsiness
3.       Problems in driving and operating machinery
4.       Depression with suicidal tendencies
5.       Fatigue
6.       Memory loss
7.       Confusion
8.       Disinhibition causing aggressiveness and increased risk taking behavior

List of rare side effects
1.       Sexual difficulties
2.       Headache
3.       Urinary incontinence
4.       Difficulties in walking

What the doctor should know before prescribing?

This medication is prescription only. Therefore, you need to consult a doctor and explains your problems before getting this medication. Before getting the prescription you need to inform the doctor if you have following problems.

 If the patient has following diseases they should tell it to the doctor before taking the drug.

* Kidney disease
* Liver disease
* Breathing disorder
* Ataxia (poor control of body movements)
* Clinical depression
* Myasthenia gravis

General guidelines when you take this medication

Take the medicine at around the same time(s) every day.
Follow the directions on your prescription label carefully, and ask your doctor or pharmacist to explain any part you do not understand.

Take Restyl exactly as directed. Do not take more or less of it, or take it more often than prescribed by your doctor. Do not stop taking this without informing your doctor.


Restyl is a Indian brand of Alprazolam. Its main uses include anxiety and helping to sleep. Main side effects is drowsiness. It can become habit forming in long term use.

Even though the author of this article is a medical doctor, contents of this article are for information only. You should always consult your doctor, before starting or stopping any drug containing Alprazolam e.g. Restyl. In addition, medical information can change over time. Please ask your doctor for information on the latest studies.

Friday, February 20, 2015

Uses and side effects of Arip MT

Arip MT is an Indian brand of Antipsychotic Aripiprazole. It is an atypical antipsychotic medication prescribed in schizophrenia, psychoses and bipolar mania.

Other common brand name is Abilify. Most common side effects are nausea, vomiting and constipation. This drug reduces weight in some patients, unlike other common antipsychotics such as Olanzapine. It is a plus point in some patients who are obese. Compared to some other antipsychotics this medication is relatively safe for heart.

In addition, this medication is prescribed to patients who develop certain side effects such as increased body weight, increased blood sugar levels and increased blood lipid levels due to other antipsychotic medications.

Arip MT Tablets

Common dosage for this medication are 7.5mg, 15mg and 30mg. This medication is usually prescribed once daily. Compared to other antipsychotics this medication cause less drowsiness.

However, it can cause type of movement side effect called Akathisia. In akathisia, patient experience restlessness in their legs causing urgency to move. It can become a serious side effect to note as patients sometimes tend to commit suicide due to Akathisia. It can sometimes be missed by less experienced doctors as they may interpret the side effect as something to do with the illness. 

For resistant variety of Schizophrenia Sizopin is prescribed.

Another antipsychotic that is commonly prescribed

Uses and side effects of Sizodon

How it acts?

Schizophrenia and other psychoses are caused by problems in brain chemistry. Arip MT alters and corrects the brain chemistry so patient’s psychotic features disappear.

What the doctor should know before prescribing?

If the patient has depression, dementia, seizure disorder, liver disease, kidney disease, stroke and diabetes mellitus, then he/she must discuss with the doctor before taking this medication. The doctor should know whether the patient is pregnant or breast feeding.

What are the general advices?

This medication can be taken without regard to meals. This medication should not be shared with other people. Taking alcoholic beverages can increase certain side effects.

Do not change medication dose or stop taking medication on your own. If you get side effects or problems with this medication then consult your doctor. He/She will change the medication and dose.

What are the common side effects?

Gastrointestinal disturbances like nausea and vomiting are the most common. Increased heart rate is another side effect. Some patients may get sleep disturbances with this medication. Akathesia (inability to keep the feet in one place) can occur with Arip MT. Some patients can get tremors. Headache is another side effect. Blurred vision is also common.
Less commonly patients can get depressed with this medication. This medication can increase the suicidal risk of susceptible individuals.

What are the rare side effects?

Very rarely patients can get loss of appetite, difficulty in swallowing, hepatitis, yellowish discoloration of the body, edema, increased blood pressure and chest pain. Some patients may get agitated with this medication. Few patients may have anxiety, seizures, and reduced sodium levels in the blood and muscle pains. Certain patients may get urinary retention, incontinence, and sweating and hair loss. Very rarely some patients may report increased salivation, pancreatitis, laryngospasm and thromboembolism.


Arip MT is a medication prescribed for psychotic disorders such as Schizophrenia. Main side effects are nausea, akathisia and weigh loss. 

Thursday, February 12, 2015

Uses and side effects of Eliwel

Eliwel is brand name of Amitriptyline manufactured by Sun Pharma India.

It is used for moderate to severe depression and to treat pain, due to problems in nerves (neuropathic pain). Common side effects are drowsiness, dizziness, blurred vision, urinary retention and dry mouth. It is available as 10mg, 25mg, 75mg tablets. It is a medication in the family Tri Cyclic Antidepressants (TCA). 

Eliwel 10mg tablets

Uses of Eliwel

Eliwel is chiefly prescribed to treat depression, nerve pain and anxiety disorders. It is one of the older medications to treat depression. At smaller doses it is effective for pain caused by nerve problems. In addition, at higher doses it is an effective antidepressant. It is also used in children with bed wetting problems. Even though it causes more side effects than newer antidepressants, newer antidepressants are not more effective than Eliwel.

In addition, to causing suffering depression is known to cause heart problems. 
Please click following link to learn more about depression and heart problems such as heart attacks.

Melancholia or depression 

What are the common doses?

Eliwel is prescribed in 10mg and 25mg at night for nerve pains. However, for depression its starting dose is 50mg and can be increased upto 200mg.

What are the most common side effects of Eliwel?

This medication can cause drowsiness. It can occur in the morning when it was taken at night. Operating machinery and driving motor vehicles can become hazardous with these side effects.

This medication can cause urinary retention. It is especially common among elderly men with prostrate problems.
In addition, this medication can cause problems with heart rhythm, and this can worsen existing heart diseases. These side effect cause low blood pressure and dizziness, especially getting up from bed (postural hypotension). A Doctor will do an electrocardiogram before stating Eliwel, to make sure you do not have existing cardiac abnormality.

Anxiety, dizziness, agitation, confusion, sleep disturbances, irritability, and tingling sensation of the hands can occur with Eliwel.

Some patients complain psychiatric problems like hallucinations, delusions, mania, and hypo mania (milder form of mania) with Eliwel.  In addition, rarely patients can develop seizures. Tremors similar to Parkinson disease can develop in small number of patients.

Few patients complain breast enlargement, abnormally secreting milk from the breasts, even in males. Usually these side effects occur after prolonged use of the drug. Some patients might complain or even stop the drug without doctor's advice due to sexual problems.

Weight gain and increased appetite is another common and troublesome side effect. But rarely patients complain reduced body weight and loss of appetite.

Serious problems with this medication

Doctors take extra precautions when prescribing Eliwel to patients with heart diseases, hyperthyroidism, epilepsy, and hepatic impairment. Since Eliwel blocks acetyl choline neurotransmission, patients with prostatic hypertrophy (enlargement in prostrate gland), chronic constipation, and increased intraocular pressure (increased eye pressure) must discuss their medical history with the prescribing doctor.

Patients with psychosis, bipolar affective disorder may find their condition is worsening with Eliwel. Patients with bipolar affective disorder may enter into the manic phase with TCAs like Amitriptylin.

Doctors will not use Eliwel for immediate recovery phase of the acute myocardial infarction or heart attack, during heart blocks, for manic phase in bipolar affective disorder, in acute porphyria and in severe liver diseases. Most of the side effects will become tolerable during treatment.


Irritability of the newborn can occur, if taken during last three months of pregnancy.

Breast feeding

Amount in breast milk is too small, but drug manufacturers advice to avoid.

General guidance

If you are on this medication, then do not stop it suddenly without consulting the psychiatrist involved.

Before starting on Eliwel

1.     Tell your doctor your allergies
2.     Tell all your prescription and nonprescription medications including vitamins and street drugs.
3.     Tell your doctor whether you are pregnant or breast feeding
4.     Tell your doctor whether you had any heart problems.
5.     Tell your doctor whether you had any urinary/prostrate or eye problems.
6.     Tell your doctor whether you had any psychiatry illnesses treated before.
7.     Tell your doctor whether you had whether you have a medical illness that need long term medications


Eliwel is a brand of Amitriptyline manufactured by Sun Pharma, India. It is mainly used for treatment of Depression, children with bed weeting and pain associated with nerve damage. However, it can cause drowsiness, sedation, urinary retention and cardiac problems.


Please note that this author does not have any affiliation to Sun Pharma, India or Eliwel. The only purpose for this article is to highlight the uses and side effects of this medication. Always see a doctor before starting any treatment.