
Wednesday, January 2, 2013

Prodep uses and side effects

Prodep is an indian brand name of the SSRI Fluoxetine. It is used in depression, OCD, and other anxiety disorders.  Main side effects are nausea, gastric discomfort and sexual dysfunction.

What are the uses?

This medication mainly used to treat clinical Depression that is characterized by persistent low mood, lack of enjoyment in life, suicidal thoughts and lack of energy. Other than that Prodep is prescribed for obsessive compulsive disorders and anxiety disorders.  But the patients must take this medication for more than two weeks to see an effect.

Prodep is primarily used for clinical depression. Depression is characterized by persistent low mood, lack of energy to do day to day activities and unable to feel pleasure. If the symptoms are persisting for more than two weeks then you need to meet your family doctor. 
In addition, it is widely used for obsessive compulsive disorder and panic disorder. It is also used as a treatment for premature ejaculation.

In addition, to causing suffering depression is known to cause heart problems.

Please click following link to learn more about depression and heart problems such as heart attacks.

This medication is prescribed for depressive disorder, anxiety disorder such as panic disorder and social phobia. According to Multiple treatment Meta – analysis done by A. Cipriani, 
Venlift OD (Venlafaxine) is more effective than Fluoxetine. Serdep is another medication is SSRI class that is prescribed for depression and anxiety disorders. 

Relationship between depression and heart problems

Prodep 20mg capsules

How Prodep® works?
Prodep act by inhibiting serotonin reuptake pumps in neuronal synapses in certain brain areas. This action increases the levels of serotonin in certain nerve endings. Then increased serotonin initiates cascade of reactions treats depression and other problems this drug prescribed. Side effects are mainly caused by increased serotonin levels in unfavorable brain areas.

But the side effects such as tremors and insomnia occurs early and they usually wane after two to three months of therapy.
What the doctor should know before prescribing Prodep?
If the patient has
  • liver problems
  • kidney problems
  • bipolar mania
then he/she must discuss with the doctor. In addition this drug can have dangerous interactions with certain drugs such as Theophylline and Aminophylline. But they are common ingredients of over the counter cough syrups. So patient must inform their complete drug history to the prescribing doctor.  In addition, patients should not take alcohol containing beverages with Prodep, since it can cause serious problems.

Nausea, vomiting, dyspepsia, abdominal pain and skin rashes are main side effects. Certain patient can report short term anxiety and agitation. Insomnia is also another troublesome side effect. But it can be controlled by taking the medication in the morning. Sexual dysfunction such as impotence and lack of desire can occur with both male female patients.
What are the dangerous side effects?
Some patients can rarely get allergic to Prodep. They can have a condition called anaphylactic reaction characterized by wide spread hives, shortness of breath and chest tightness. If present, emergency medical treatment must be sought.
Certain patients can develop a condition called neuroleptic malignant syndrome with Prodep. It is characterized by sudden onset muscle rigidity, fever and loss of consciousness.
Even though this is an anti-depressant, this medication is known to increase suicidal risk in susceptible individuals, especially teenagers.

Why suicide in an anti-depressant?
Usually depressed people tend to have lack of energy. It prevents them from harming themselves. Prodep increases energy level in the patient before relieving depression. This may be the main cause for increased suicidal risk.

Prodep is an anti-depressant in the SSRI family. Most common and troublesome side effects are sexual dysfunction, tremors, insomnia and gastrointestinal discomfort (nausea, vomiting and abdominal pain). Other than that this drug is a safe and well tested drug.

Medications prescribed for Alcohol and opioid addiction

Uses and side effects of Nodict tablets
British National formulary


  1. Dear Dr.,
    I am supposed to take prodep 20mg as per the doctors advise, 01 capsule/day for 01 week & then 02 capsules/day for 03 weeks. how if I take the drug for initial 3-4 days & stop taking thereafter? Do any consequences may occur?
    Thanks & regards,

  2. Your condition may not be settled. Because this should be taken at least for a week to see an effect. In addition, once you stop taking it chance of recurring your condition becomes high.

  3. Dear doctor ,
    My therapist told me to take prodep 20 mg daily as I showed signs of depression.but as i started taking it , I got problems with my vision (blurred vision , double vision blah blah blah) then I stopped taking it. Then he prescribed citopam 20mg took along time to make me feel better (7 months now). But still Im having mood swings and also getting side effects of citopam (again blurred vision , damn it :'( ..... I am still schooling and I find this disturbing. Doctor should I move back to prodep. Regards--surath Martinus :)

  4. Blurred vision is a little uncommon side effect of SSRI medications. Therefore, it is recommended to check your vision.

    In addition, your response to medication seems to be poor. Following may be the cause

    1. Diagnosis could be wrong - You may be having e.g. Bipolar illness
    2. Medication is not enough. You may need a higher dose or the medication need to be changed.
    3. Life stressors - Sometimes sorting out life stressors is the most important thing.
    4. Medication resistance - Resistance to anti depressants are common finding. In fact 30% of patients do not show adequate response to anti depressants. For them cognitive behaviour therapy may be useful.

    Therefore, you need to discuss your situation with your psychiatrist

  5. Can Prodep be prescribed for suspected testicular muscle pain??

  6. Dear Doctor, Pt is 90 yr old lady with hyper anxiety, illusions, haluniciations, glucoma and other old age related problems. She expresses desire to go to toilet atleast six times a day and after every visit claims that she has not passed stool which her maid says if not correct. Seven days back the physician has prescribed her Cap Prodep-one OD post breakfast, one tab alprex OD after lunch and One OD Tab espazine plus at bedtime. Pl advise further so that the pt remains cool, does not speak loud and gets back to a positive attitude. By the way, the pt has good appetite.

  7. Frequently going to toilet and not passing stools may be due to space occupying lesion in rectum. Medical term is tenesmus. Therefore, i think she need to be seen by a doctor who specializes in surgery.

  8. my name is nivedita ghosh i have taking prodep 20mg and asprito5 together as doctor has presctibed for last 2 months as doctor has increased dose of asprito ftom5t o 10 and taking for 1months i have been facing some seriour side effect as mote anxiety sore throat and irregulat heart beat and dry mouth please suggest how i with draw medication.

    1. It is not safe to withdraw medication as you are having symptoms. Your symptoms may be due to the illness you are having. Therefore, discuss your problems with your doctor or get a second opinion from a different psychiatrist.
